Biscuits Chocolate Cake 1

Chocolate biscuit cake
A tasty recipe for chocolate lovers.
I decided after thinking to make this recipe a little bit different from the lazy cake. The result zqs surprising. The only difference between the two is to use the custard powder instead of using the butter.

1/5 litre of milk
3 tbsp custard powder
1/4 cup of milk or of cold water used to dissolve custard powder
2 tbsp raw cacao
3 tbsp sugar
50 g dark chocolate
400 – 450 butter biscuits
1/2 tbsp nescafé:
To dip the biscuits: you can use milk or coffee

  1. 1/5 cup of cold milk mixed with a tea spoon of vanilla
  2. 1/5 cup of nescafé.

I used both milk and coffee.

Prepare the bundt cake pan by puttin the parchement paper in it, spring form cake is prefered.

Put the milk to boil, then add the sugar, cacao and the nescafé to be dissolved.

Add the dissolved custard powder in a 1/4 cup of water or milk to the boiling mixture after lowering the heat to the lowest degree.
After getting thick, turn off the heat.
Add and stir the chocolate pieces till they melt.

Preparing the biscuits:
Dip every biscuit in the cold milk, and put them in raws one beside the other each other as shown in the pictures. Half of the amount of the mixture «chocolate and the custard» should be spread equally over the biscuits. Repeat dipping and covering the biscuits but this time use the cup of nescafé instead of the cold milk. It gives a delicious flavour to the recipe. At the end, cover it with the chocolate sauce. Use chocolate granules for decoration.

Chocolate sauce recipe:
1/2 cup of milk of liquid cream
1 tbsp raw cacao
50 g chocolate
2 tbsp sugar powder
1 tea spoon vanilla

Heat the milk in order to add the cacao, the sugar and the vanilla. Turn the heat off, and add the chocolate to the mixture. Leave it for a minute, then stir it to melt the chocolate. Put the sauce after getting cold in the fridge for 6 hours. Then serve it.

Translated by: May Kanjrawi

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